Novosti i događaji

The project

The project is conceived as an attempt to break 5 world records and establishing one new record. These records are validated and verified by the Guinness book of records – a global record keeping agency. The planned categories are:

Ugostili smo još jednog putopisca koji traži mjesto pod suncem. Ako vas zanima njen doživljaj Tunisa, bacite pogled! Piše: Marijana Petković


Taking a trip around the world without finding the end of it, doesn’t really qualify as a full circle, doesn’t it? But where exactly is this, so commonly mentioned, “end of the world”? In order to pinpoint the end, we should agree on the beginning. For us, the beginning is our hometown, Rijeka, Croatia. And the farthest possible land from Rijeka is a small island in the Pacific, Chatham Island. From that point, wherever we go, we are returning home.

a guest photographer bringing a short story on what drives her towards her art


In our ventures through Iran, we had the opportunity to meet Marjan, a talented young photographer, who happened to be around when needed to translate our tea negotiation. We met by accident, but her gear setup (same as my old one) and the type of curiosity she had in the street when we passed by her side earlier that day, immediately told me that her photos are no accident. Our roads crossed again over a cup of tea, and this opened the chance to have her as a guest author on our pages. I hope you like her story and especially her photos, as for those seeking more, visit her homepage to refresh your photography and travel lusts, I highly recommend it;) Enjoy!

Predstavljamo novog putopisca? Ne, putopjesnikinju.

Da putovanja djeluju na različite načine i motiviraju vas u kreativnim smjerovima pokazuje nam i mlada putopjesnikinja Maja Klarić. Svakako nije česta forma - putopjesništvo, ali svakako je vrijedno pažnje. Uživajte u novoj priči.


 „Želim da je blizu, želim da je atraktivno, želim da je jeftino, da je originalno, želim da je avantura!“
mislio sam ležeći u krevetu nakon prošlogodišnjeg uspona na Mont Blanc, osmišljavajući iduću ekspediciju.

Već neko vrijeme imao sam perverznu želju da ispenjem neki poznatiji vrh krenuvši od razine mora, pa je tako i nastao projekt „FROM SEA TO SUMMIT - MOROCCO 2015“. Maroko s planinom Visoki Atlas bilo je logičan odabir. Snježni vrhunci koji paraju plavo nebo u kombinaciji s orijentalnim šarenilom postali su moja opsesija i moj motiv pri svakodnevnim treninzima. Nekoliko mjeseci trajale su intenzivne pripreme, a zatim stezanje grla kada je avion napokon poletio prema Marrakeshu. „Ovo se zaista događa!“ mislio sam u sebi dok je avion nadlijetao Sredozemno more i afričke planine pod snijegom.

Starije vijesti

05/07/2010 - 22:22
30/06/2010 - 01:44
19/06/2010 - 11:59
12/06/2010 - 02:43
12/06/2010 - 00:41
16/05/2010 - 14:14

The End of the World

the journey begins, September 22, 2015







Rocktrip Greece

27.12.2014. - 10.01.2015.


Ekspedicija Pik Lenina

12.7. - 15.8.2014.


Ciljevi  Članovi






Ekspedicija Jabuka 2014
novi horizonti

16.5. - 30.5.2014.





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ad·ven·ture [ad-ven-cher]  


  1. an exciting or very unusual experience.
  2. participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises: the spirit of adventure.
  3. a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome.


Adventure Travel:

vacation or trip to a natural environment, remote, exotic or possibly hostile location with the specific purpose of active physical participation and exploration of a new experience



 (c) 2010. - 2012.